
Melhores resultados

Future of Energy 2024

29.02.2024 - 01.03.2024

On 29 February and 1 March, FMO together with the global knowledge and networking platform Solarplaza will organise the 5th edition of Future of Energy summit in Amsterdam. The event will bring together project developers, financial institutions and investors, and service providers.

Future of Energy 2024 aims to accelerate the deployment of renewables in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) to bolster their energy access and security, reduce reliance on fossil fuels and meet net-zero targets. The programme focuses on addressing challenges such as uncertain policy frameworks and rising capital costs, with the objective of redirecting global attention and financial efforts to EMDEs and harness the potential of renewable energy technology.

The 5th edition of the summit will offer networking opportunities, interactive panels and keynotes. Meet the GET.invest team, GET.invest Finance Catalyst advisors and some of the companies we have supported at our booth and during the conference:

  • Thursday, 29 February (15:45-17:00 CET)  – Workshop: Catapulting Next-Gen Developers into Financial Success
  • Friday, 1 March (14:30-15:15 CET) – Panel: Innovating the Future Financing Landscape

Find out more and secure your ticket for participation here.