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Renewable Energy Forum Africa (REFA)
The Renewable Energy Forum Africa (REFA) is the new annual conference that seeks to catalyse renewable energy investment for African countries.
This year, REFA is taking place on 4-6 October 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. The event, supported by GET.invest, is jointly organised by SolarPower Europe and the Africa Solar Industry Association (AFSIA). The conference will be co-located with the Powerelec Kenya exhibition, attracting more than 150 exhibitors from the global power industry showcasing their latest products and solutions.
Building on the success of prior events, this new edition will gather even more renewable energy stakeholders of the African continent, bringing under one roof institutional and private investors, project developers, policy makers, energy utilities, regulators, corporates and the most influential energy sector decision makers.
Meet the GET.invest team, GET.invest Finance Catalyst advisors and some of the companies we have supported during the conference:
- Wednesday, 4 October (09:15-09:30) – Conference opening: Green Hydrogen & Wind
- Thursday, 5 October (11:30-12:30) – Panel: Solar investment opportunities in Mozambique
- Thursday, 5 October (16:00-16:30) – Session: Net-metering in East Africa: which way forward?
Find out more and secure your ticket for participation here.