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GET.invest Burundi kicks off first activities

05 May 2022 | Since its launch in October 2021, the European Union-funded GET.invest Country Window in Burundi has seen a busy inception phase. Aiming to respond to the country’s need for affordable, reliable and clean access to energy services, GET.invest Burundi has started to strengthen renewable energy markets through the organisation of several activities alongside its regional partners.

Joining efforts with BUREA

GET.invest Burundi has put a particular focus on building its partnership with the Burundi Renewable Energy Association (BUREA). Based on the national association’s mission to increase the accessibility of renewable energy technologies in the country, the programme has started supporting and strengthening BUREA’s capacities, which so far has resulted in the realisation of two main events in February and April 2022.

The first event, a community convention in the province of Kirundo, informed the local villagers – most of whom do not have access to electricity – about different renewable energy solutions, their utilisation and their advantages. The close to 120 men and 80 women attending did not only express high interest in the presented technologies, but also demonstrated an overall satisfaction with the event and its introduction of alternatives to traditional energy sources.

In a second event, BUREA gathered its members for a working group reunion which ensured the exchange of different perspectives and opportunities to streamline the associations’ activities and lessons learned in the country.

Further activities planned with BUREA later this year will include the establishment of a periodic newsletter on renewable energy topics and two trainings for local technicians in the field of installation and maintenance of renewable energy solutions.

Supporting projects and business developers in Burundi

To continue with the success from a first scoping mission carried out in the country in November 2021 with some of the GET.invest Finance Catalyst advisors, GET.invest Burundi has conducted another mission at the end of March. As a result of the first scoping mission, four local decentralised renewable energy (DRE) companies could connect with GET.invest and now receive technical assistance towards bankability. The second mission particularly focused on commercial and industrial companies that could partner with GET.invest to develop captive solar power solutions for their businesses.

Further activities in preparation include a dedicated ‘Market Insights’ publication, which will give valuable information on the country’s renewable energy market for project developers and financiers alike, zooming in particular on small hydropower projects. In addition, two Masterclasses on Solar Home Systems and Clean Cooking will be delivered by GET.invest Finance Catalyst advisors for private sector enterprises and serve as introductions to investment strategy, investment readiness, business case and financial model planning. The Masterclass on Clean Cooking will be supported by EnDev. Later this year in September, GET.invest Burundi will then collaborate with BUREA and the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) to organise the first Burundi National Energy Day, providing amongst other a platform for Burundi DRE businesses and financiers to convene and connect.

Learn more about GET.invest Burundi






