
Best results
Full meaning African Union Community of Sahel–Saharan States Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa Economic Community of West African States Foreign direct investment Gross domestic product Inclining block tariff(s) International Monetary Fund Independent power producer Kilowatt Kilowatt hour Liquid petroleum gas Megawatt Pay as you go Power purchase agreement Private public partnership Standard and Poors Global Ratings Sub-Saharan Africa Transmission and distribution Time of use West African Economic and Monetary Union United Nations Industrial Development Organization Value added tax World Bank Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy General government debt-to-GDP ratio measures the gross debt of the general government as a percentage of GDP. Debt is calculated as the sum of the following liability categories (as applicable): currency and deposits; debt securities, loans; insurance, pensions and standardised guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. This percentage is calculated from the number of mobile cellular subscriptions per 100 adults. Occasionally a single user will have more than one mobile subscription and so it is possible for this value to exceed 100%. 190 countries ranked This includes all renewable energy sources (solar, wind, small hydro, geothermal and biomass and waste), and excludes large hydro (above 50 MW) and nuclear. Disclosed share of foreign investment in the clean energy sector (of both local and foreign investment in clean energy, this tells us the amount of foreign investment in clean energy). This includes all renewable energy sources (solar, wind, small hydro, geothermal and biomass and waste), and excludes large hydro (above 50 MW) and nuclear. If already assembled into a generating set (e.g. a SHS), the duty is 5%. As per the ECOWAS 2017 CET As per the ECOWAS 2017 CET As per the ECOWAS 2017 CET As per the Ivorian fiscal system As per the Ivorian fiscal system As per the Ivorian fiscal system The median time (the value for 50 percent of shipments) from port of discharge to arrival at the consignee. Refers to all types of entry ports. Unit is days. Year is 2018, unless specified otherwise. The real economic growth, or real GDP growth rate, measures economic growth as it relates to the GDP from one period to another, adjusted for inflation, and expressed in real terms as opposed to nominal terms. The real economic growth rate considers inflation in its measurement of economic growth, unlike the nominal GDP growth rate, which does not. 167 countries ranked. Scores are averaged across 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018 with the last year weighing most of the score. See "Source" below for more details.

The components analysed in the International LPI include:
• The efficiency of customs and border management clearance;
• The quality of transport infrastructure;
• The ease of arranging shipments;
• The quality of logistics services;
• The ability of tracking and tracing;
• The frequency with which shipments reach consignees within expected delivery times.


Côte d'Ivoire’s economy has shown exceptional growth in recent years, posting real annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth figures of around 7% for the past four years. This strength is reflected by Moody’s upgrade of the country’s investment grade from B1 to Ba3 in 2015, a grading the country has been able to maintain since. Growth has also managed to keep pace with population growth, as per capita GDP has continued to rise. Finally, the country managed to make significant strides toward streamlining business, earning it a ranking of 122 in 2019 (of 190) on the World Bank Doing Business ranking, up from 147 in 2015.

Currency exchange rates have been relatively stable in the period since 2015, with the euro-linked CFA Franc as the national currency. For the period in question, the currency was trading at an average of 580 CFA Franc against the US dollar, with exchange rates fluctuating about 50 units in each direction. Since 2018, its value has been steadily appreciating against the US dollar. Meanwhile, inflation rates remain below 1%, which likely bodes well for the ability of consumers to pay for energy services.

Inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) have steadily increased between 2014 and 2018 from 1.24% to 2.12% of GDP, with a peak above €850 million in 2017. In the same year, foreign investment constituted 100% of the investment in clean energy in Côte d'Ivoire, totalling about €81 million. In 2018, the total amount of investment in clean energy decreased by more than half to €35 million from the previous year. Proportional investment derived from foreign sources also decreased to 86% of total investment. The country has a national investment promotion agency, the Centre de Promotion des Investissements en Côte d'Ivoire (CEPICI), which supports and guides foreign investment in the country.

Financial incentives exist for renewable energy technologies, yet these mostly favour solar. Solar panels incur no import duty and are subject to reduced VAT rate of 9%. The full VAT rate of 18% applies to both wind turbines and battery storage, while import duties of 5% and 20% are charged respectively.
Regional affiliation
AU, CEN-SAD, Conseil de l'Entente, ECOWAS, UEMOA
Official language(s)
National currency
West African CFA Franc
Presence of port
Port of San Pedro, Port of Abidjan
Next planned election and cycle length
2020 (5-year cycle)


% urban population of total population
% rural population of total population
Population growth rate
Working age (15-64) share of total population
Working age (15-64)
Rest of population
Urbanisation rate (% urban population growth)


Mobile telecom operators
All three connectivity indicators
% penetration of mobile cellular subscriptions
% penetration of mobile money
% population with access to internet

Logistics, Import duties and value added tax


Median lead time to import
4 days
Aggregated Logistics Performance Index ranking

Import Duties and Value-Added Tax

Import Duties
Solar panels
Wind turbines
Batteries (for renewable energy storage)
Solar Panels
Wind turbines
Batteries (for renewable energy storage)

Business intelligence

Energy Ranking

Climatescope ranking
WB RISE ranking
Not ranked


Real GDP growth
GDP/capita, real
SSA average
GDP/capita, real
SSA average
GDP/capita, real
Debt to GDP ratio (gross debt)
Inflation rate
Exchange rate
Currency exchange rate vs. EUR and USD
Currency exchange rate vs. EUR
Currency exchange rate vs. USD
Total volume of clean energy investment
% foreign investment in clean energy
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