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Finance Catalyst


Since 2016, the GET.invest Finance Catalyst has been providing on-demand, “honest broker” financial advisory to clients across countries, market segments and ticket sizes. To deliver quality support in connecting projects and companies to financiers, the facility leverages high-profile financing expertise, credibility and a strong network of financiers and peers.

The Finance Catalyst has been a tremendous partner to Simusolar, providing technical assistance on our presentations and financial models, sharing a landscape of appropriate investor candidates, and obtaining feedback and colour from investors that we might not otherwise receive.
Michael Kunz, Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Simusolar
The advisors and I have been working closely on this project. Their input, the professional financial model and their ‘finance speak’ during conference calls has helped a great deal. In addition, being a GET.invest-supported project built reputation with potential financiers.
Marcus Miller, CEO of CleanPower Generation
The GET.invest Finance Catalyst advisors helped us take our proposal for investors to the next level, and their network was a big asset for us.
Arnoud de Vroomen, CEO of SolarWorks!
The advice of the Finance Catalyst was critical and timely in our ability to grow and scale Geni Green. We are currently working on the business fundamentals the advisors highlighted that will position us to give access to clean cooking for thousands of households in Rwanda.
Anicet Munyehirwe, Founder of Geni Green Solutions
Our experience with GET.invest’s financial advisors is fantastic: they support the need for well thought out solar PAYG and they fully understand the challenges we are currently facing. We developed a terrific relationship that allows to receive insightful, proactive advice as if they were part of the team.
Kilien de Renty, CEO of upOwa

Meet the advisory team

The GET.invest Finance Catalyst makes available the knowledge, experience and networks of more than 30 experts in the field of clean energy financing in emerging markets.